Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I haven't posted in awhile!
So anyways, here's my post for Wednesday's theme, "Monster." I might upload another traditional drawing of a mutant, zombie, teddy-now-mouse creature later. (too lazy to scan)
I'm a noob at digital painting, tee hee. It's so fun though, I can't wait to do more!
Critiques always welcome.

It's Ira! But not really.


last week's challenge (lol) we're so behind
Here's something i took when i was riding the plane back to home for spring break XD

so fail lol


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

City Scapes!

perspective hw fail lol

have an awesome spring break everyone!!!

and i'm out, peace!


Saturday, March 6, 2010

wed - fri challenges :)

Hi guys! It's Tien Tien again! I'm going to stop procrastinating and actually submit somethings LOL


Cafe Sketches:


Ok, night kids!



Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hi, Me Again

Hey look, I'm drawing!
So this is my post for wednesday (and today is wednesday!)
This is... supposed to be me.
Sarah will most likely disagree. It is from a rather glamorized picture I had on photobooth (heh) but it had a lot of "contrast" so, um. That's my excuse.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hannah's Entry (wow, can this get more bland?)

... entry for Sunday. Heh.

So I guess this is the part where I tell people about myself? Well, my name is Hannah for starters. I like orange juice a whole lot, and I kind of have this obsession with a thing called The Lord of the Rings (which is, of course, only practical since I'm going into film). In my free time I like to pretend I'm an artist or write stories about magical lands and creatures. I'm not too fond of driving, but I do it because I have to. I wake up at 8:32 every morning (this is central time, folks) and I love God a whole bunch.
Also, I will marry a man with a cool accent one day.



Submission for portraits.  It's a busy week, so uh... here, have a photo!

Taken on my Holga camera.  Lav lav lav.
